Saturday Worship Services:
5:00 PM In- person Worship service
5:00 PM Live- streamed

Sunday Worship Services:
8:15 AM In-person Worship service
10:30 AM In-person Worship service

Choral Scholars

Are you a high school or college student in Albuquerque interested in being a St. Luke Choral Scholar? 

In 2018, St Luke made a commitment to church music and music education by establishing a fund to support four St. Luke Choral Scholars. These Scholars sing with us and for us while continuing their education at UNM. Not all of our Scholars are music students, but all are active in the UNM music programs. In sharing their voices with us, we receive the blessings of their skills and time. In turn, they receive the blessings of a welcoming community and an opportunity to experience church music as a potential career choice.

The St. Luke Choral Scholars play an active role in the Sanctuary Choir, serving as section leaders and vocal role models. They assist by running warmups, rehearsing with the choir each week, and periodically conducting the choir. They also prepare solo repertoire to sing in worship 2-3 times per semester.  They may also work with the Salt & Spark Multigenerational Ensemble. Each Scholar is compensated with a stipend for their work and dedication.

Faith communities have long been a fundamental part of music making and music education. The Book of Psalms is the first written hymnal. To this day, the Torah is chanted. Prayers and devotions throughout the world in many faith traditions are chanted or sung. Since the Middle Ages, faith communities were the first music schools, the first patrons of music compositions, the first repositories of music repertoire, the first to promote the art of making instruments, and much more.

We are part of a continuing heritage to sing the glory of God!

Psalm 96

1  Sing to the LORD a new song;

    sing to the LORD, all the earth.

2  Sing to the LORD, praise his name;

    proclaim his salvation day after day.

Choral Scholars Biography

Austyn Knecht

Austyn Knecht is a Freshman in UNM’s Voice Department working towards a Bachelor in Music. At UNM, Austyn sings with Las Cantantes, the treble choir, and is a member of the Opera Program.  

Originally from Las Vegas, Nevada, she enjoys learning about Albuquerque and college life. She attended Las Vegas Academy of the Arts and competed in local NATS and Solo and Ensemble competitions.


Besides singing classical and choral music, Austyn enjoys writing, learning new languages, escape rooms, and collecting whatever bobbles she can cram into her dorm room. With an interest in teaching and performing, she enjoys building and uplifting community through her music studies and is honored to sing with St Luke.