Saturday Worship Services:
5:00 PM In- person Worship service
5:00 PM Live- streamed

Sunday Worship Services:
8:15 AM In-person Worship service
10:30 AM In-person Worship service



Approximately a year and a half of study in weekly classes on Sunday between services during the academic year.  The Confirmation program also includes participation in the ministries of the congregation, service projects, and retreats and camps at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp (RTLC).  Program is centered on Luther’s Small Catechism which includes a deeper study of the Ten Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, Apostles’ Creed, The Sacraments of Baptism & Holy Communion, and daily prayer.  All studies are scripture-based and also involve some bible study.   This course is designed to begin during the summer between 6th and 7th grade with attendance at a one-week camp at RTLC, continue during the academic year, and finish during 8th grade.  For questions on the program or for older youth and adults that may be interested in Affirmation of Baptism studies, please contact the church office to discuss arrangements with a pastor.


2024 Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp in COLORADO!