Wednesdays Virtual Bible Study from the book of Acts
from noon to 1pm
by zoom
For more information and the zoom link contact:

St. Luke Fall 2023 Sermon Series Begins September 9, at all worship services
Seeing the Early Acts Church Community through some of its weirder stories.
We invite you to participate in a 7 week Sermon & Bible Study Series from Acts of the Apostles, using some of the lesser known stories from the first century of the Church.
1) September 9/10 – Faith Turns into Action. Intro to Acts; (Also, God’s Work. Our Hands. Weekend)
2) Sept. 16/17 – Who to listen to? God or the Powers? Acts 3-5 Peter and John heal a cripple. Peter speaks to the onlookers [3: 11-26]. Peter and John accused of disturbing the peace by the Sanhedrin. Peter boldly defends the healing (by the name of Jesus and his resurrection) [Acts 4: 1-22]. Peter and John are released, return to the community and pray for boldness [Acts 4: 23-31]
3) Sept. 23/24 – Integrity in the Church Acts 5: 1-11 Ananias and Sapphira fudge the truth – with shocking consequences. Luke uses the word “church” for the first time (Acts 5: 11)
4) Sept. 30 /October 1 – Could you be wrong about God? Acts 9 – Saul’s conversion and transformation – God especially likes to convert religious people!
5) Oct. 7/8 – When you cannot reconcile. Acts 15 – the Council of Jerusalem – and the aftermath (Acts 15: 36-41) Let’s be honest about relationships in the Church (Paul and Barnabas did NOT always get along!).
6) Oct. 14/15 – You are not alone! Acts 15: 1-11 – Paul in Corinth and God’s words to Paul in verse 9: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack you and harm you, because I have many people in this city.”
7) Oct 21/22 – Finding Courage Acts 23: 1-11 – Paul before the Sanhedrin. “’Afterwards, the Lord stood near Paul and said: “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.’”
This series begins September 9 at all weekend services. We also invite you to a Bible Study to dig deeper on Wednesdays by Zoom at 8 am, 12 noon, and [possibly (?) if there’s a surge of interest? In person early evening?] following each weekend’s theme
Pastor Wayne: When Yancey first published this book on grace (in 1997), I thought this author had a more compelling, unfeigned understanding of grace than the high theology I learned at seminary. It “hit closer to home” for me. I’d like to see if this is still true or if I have changed (with your help!). I’d like to hear what you think too, by the way! In addition, we will be reading small sections of a more recent academic book on grace by international Lutheran faculty who state that “Lutheran theology no longer can claim intellectual hegemony in international discussions in theology.” We live in a post-confessional global setting!
You are welcome to attend! Please buy a copy (Yancey’s book) online (used are much cheaper than new!) and more information will be forthcoming!
“Tim Class” (I & II Timothy) “Preparing the Next Generation”
Mid-Week Bible Study Wednesdays, On Zoom

I and II Timothy and Titus, taken together, are usually designated as the “pastoral epistles.” They are called pastoral because Paul is acting as a pastoral mentor to Timothy and Titus and he wants to instruct them in their own pastoral ministries. Some commentators have said that these letters might just as well be called “Teacher’s Manual” or “The Life of the Local [fragile] Church,” – because these letters contains instructions on the priority of prayer, conduct of public worship, the relations between the church and state, church leadership (and eligibility for leadership), diatribes against “meaningless talk” and “foolish controversies.” These letters are, in a way, a calling for the churches of Ephesus (where Timothy pastors) and the churches of Crete (where Titus pastors) to a life of love and unity – which comes from a pure heart, a good conscience and pure faith.
About the Class:
¨ 7 Weeks – on Wednesdays – beginning September 14th .
¨ Two Possible Times to Attend: 8AM and Noon.
¨ Format: Bible Study – Digging into the Bible text – Brief presentation and Discussions…. & probably some articles tossed your way from Pastor Wayne! Look for the Zoom link on your GPS every week!
Reflections on a Life-Long Journey of Faith and Work Among the World’s Poor By Jerry Aaker (Jerry and his wife Judy are members of our St. Luke church family)
Attend either the 8 AM or the Noon class, via Zoom

Questions? Contact Pastor Wayne at