Saturday Worship Services:
5:00 PM In- person Worship service
5:00 PM Live- streamed

Sunday Worship Services:
8:15 AM In-person Worship service
10:30 AM In-person Worship service

Our Facilities

The St. Luke facility includes three structures, the Church Building, the Administration Building, and the Education Building (which includes the Fellowship Hall). The Church and Education Buildings are connected.

Early in 1998 St. Luke completed a building program costing nearly $1 million. A new education building, housing the Weekday and Sunday Schools, replaced the classrooms built in the 1950s. A fully-equipped kitchen now is adjacent to the Fellowship Hall. The narthex (gathering area) was doubled in size, and the choir loft is now accessible by elevator. The new child care nursery is located just off the narthex.

A pipe organ which was built by Casavant Freres of Quebec, Canada was delivered and installed in April of 1999.