Saturday Worship Services:
5:00 PM In- person Worship service
5:00 PM Live- streamed

Sunday Worship Services:
8:15 AM In-person Worship service
10:30 AM In-person Worship service


Church Office

Horizon & Weekly Bulletin Volunteers: These volunteers collate the church bulletins each week, usually on Friday mornings, prepare the Horizon newsletter for mailing and take them to the post office for mailing once a month.

Church Office Volunteers: These volunteers help at the church office in various ways, such as: help with bulk mailing, enter worship attendance in the database, prepare bulletins for collating, and more.

Kitchen Steward: These volunteers help keep the kitchen clean and organized. This is a once a month, once a year ministry.

Yard Steward: Volunteers keep the grounds groomed and flowers blooming.

Worship Assistants

Scripture Reader
Greeters Ushers
Flower Delivery
Sacristy Care

Nursery Care
Sound Engineer 
Offering Counters
Worship Bulletin Reviewers

Coffee Fellowship

Sunday School

Volunteers to help with children’s Sunday classes

Please contact us with any questions or to volunteer!
You may email or call 505-299-2621