Saturday Worship Services:
5:00 PM In- person Worship service
5:00 PM Live- streamed

Sunday Worship Services:
8:15 AM In-person Worship service
10:30 AM In-person Worship service

Wellness Committee

The Wellness Committee consist of current or past care providers or members interested in health related activities and spiritual and caring church community support for our members. We are always open to new membership on the Committee and to ideas. Some of our activities include providing blood pressures for members on the first Sunday of each month, sending grief books to members who have lost loved ones for the first 11 months after their loss, writing a monthly health-related article for the Horizon, and contacting shut-in members for pastoral care needs in conjunction with the pastor. Pastoral needs can include rides to services or a grocery store, home communion, just visiting someone who desires it. Not every member of the Committee does all these things and we are assisted by about 18 people from the congregation who are not members of our Committee. In the future we will work closely with trained BeFrienders of the congregation. We are excited to answer any questions you may have and hope you will consider joining us!


Joy in Movement St. Luke has a joyful history of innovative ways of combining spirituality and exercise/movement with programs for all ages. Are you (or you and a friend!) interested in organizing an activity such as a hike, liturgical dance,  Christian yoga (yes, there is such a thing), or an exercise program? The St. Luke community hopes to get such programs up and running soon, with YOUR help and enthusiasm!

Prayer Shawl Ministry. This ministry is a part of the Wellness Ministry. Crafters make prayer shawls and lap robes which are then blessed in Worship. The prayer items are then packaged with a prayer card and kept in tubs in the narthex so that any congregation member may take them to someone going through a difficult physical, emotional, or spiritual time


Prayer Chain Ministry – St. Luke has a dedicated team of church members who receive email notifications about concerns (and celebrations!), and are committed to praying for them! If you or someone you know would appreciate prayers, or if you would like to join this ministry, please contact Angie at the church office.  Our pastors are also part of this prayer chain.