Worship services at St. Luke are rich and varied, centered in Word and Sacrament. Weekend worship services are normally 50-55 minutes in length, with certain feast day celebrations lasting a bit longer. In worship, God engages us as whole persons (body, mind, spirit) in community with others. We believe we encounter Christ in one another, sometimes (most often?!) in those most different from ourselves. Therefore, individuals and families of all kinds are warmly invited to worship gatherings at St. Luke…we especially welcome the questions and insights of newcomers, and the “joyful noise” and activity that children bring to worship!
There are three worship service opportunities at St Luke:
Saturday 5:00 pm: (mid August – early June) More informal liturgy with congregational singing led by a song leader or an instrumental ensemble..
Sunday-Early 8:15 am: Shorter liturgy with one or two classic hymns. (During the summer months this service is held outdoors in the St. Luke courtyard)
Sunday-Late 10:30 am: This liturgy is our most traditional, normally including music led by a pipe organ and choir.
We regularly celebrate and encourage sharing in the Sacrament of Holy Communion – God’s personal gift of the body and blood of Christ, which we receive in, with and under ordinary bread and wine. In this sacrament (also called the Lord’s Supper, or the Eucharist) God forgives our sins and feeds us with spiritual nourishment for the challenges of daily life. All baptized Christians are welcome to receive the sacrament, regardless of denomination or age or cognitive abilities.
If you or your child/ren have not yet been baptized, then we warmly invite you to talk to one of our pastors about receiving this Sacrament of Holy Baptism. We joyfully celebrate this gift as the life-giving sign of our union with Christ’s own death and resurrection, and the assurance of eternal life.